8 questions for Alex Schlesinger | Galerie Alex Schlesinger


Our gallery has been around since:
May 2003.

What must not be missing from an opening?
The price list.

Looking back to your beginnings, which advice would you give yourself today?
Don’t believe everything you’re told.

With which deceased artist would you go for a drink?
Edward Hopper.

Please complete this sentence: Before I owned a gallery …
… I had pity for gallery owners, waiting in empty galleries for clients.

What was the most absurd thing that happened to you on the job?
An occasion when clients were looking for a painting that would match their bedding.

Will you still own a gallery ten years from now?
That’s up to my clients.

Please complete this sentence: Owning a gallery means to …
… represent, promote, and discover artists who excel through high quality and originality and to bring them to broader public attention.


We thank Alex Schlesinger for participation and the provided image material. Click here for the website of the gallery.